FEDEV Commemorates 16 Days of Activism to Combat Gender-Based Violence in the Njenka community located in Bali Nyonga, a district situated in the North West Region of Cameroon.
Centered on the theme of this year 2023, “Unite and Invest to Prevent Gender-Based Violence, GBV Against Women and Girls”, the subject matter of discussion was domestic violence. Attendees were educated on the underlying causes of such violence, as well as effective strategies for mitigating its occurrence against themselves and their daughters.
Close to thirty Njenka women were in attendance. They attested that the primary cause for gender-based violence is a lack of financial independence. This leads to an over-reliance on the income of men, many of whom subsist through farming or small-scale trade. Consequently, these men become overworked and may resort to using inappropriate language or even physical violence towards their partners and children.

This activity was carried out during a fireside discussion which is a holistic and inclusive approach to engaging in such a sensitive conversation. FEDEV chose a fireside because it is significant in the rural set-up as a melting point. It is relaxed and warm. It is usually by the fire that some in-depth conversations usually take place, especially between the mother and children, especially the girl child.

Njenka is one of the communities that have been affected by the conflict in Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions. It is worth noting that women and girls are disproportionately impacted by war or conflict. As part of its mission, FEDEV advocates for human rights through local, regional and international laws and policies. In this regard, FEDEV has assumed responsibility for observing this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, GBV by reaching out to women at the grassroots level which forms the foundation of community structure in order to promote GBV awareness.